By: Sonia Boscolo, Christophe Finot
ISBN-13: 9781119088127ISBN-10: 1119088127Publisher: John Wiley & SonsPublished date: 2017-05-30This book is a contemporary overview of selected topics in fiber optics. It focuses on the latest research results on light wave manipulation using nonlinear optical fibers, with the aim of capturing some of the most innovative developments on this topic. The book’s scope covers both fundamentals and applications from both theoretical and experimental perspectives, with topics including linear and nonlinear effects, pulse propagation phenomena and pulse shaping, solitons and rogue waves, novel optical fibers, supercontinuum generation, polarisation management, optical signal processing, fiber lasers, optical wave turbulence, light propagation in disordered fiber media and slow and fast light. With contributions from leading-edge scientists in the field of nonlinear photonics and fiber optics, they offer an overview of the latest advances in their own research area. The listing of recent research papers at the end of each chapter is useful for researchers using the book as a reference. As the book addresses fundamental and practical photonics problems, it will also be of interest to, and benefit, broader academic communities, including areas such as nonlinear science, applied mathematics and physics and optical engineering. It offers the reader a wide and critical overview of the state-of-the-art within this practical – as well as fundamentally important and interesting – area of modern science, providing a useful reference which will encourage further research and advances in the field. Offers a study of various phenomena encountered by the manipulation of fundamental properties of light, such as the intensity profile, phase and state of polarisation, in optical fibers, as well as the new applications already made possible by the fiber-optic light wave manipulation technology Describes research results on light wave manipulation with particular emphasis on pulse shaping using nonlinear optics and guided waves, offering the most innovative developments in this area The editors are leading experts in the field and have sourced contributions from leading-edge scientists and their colleagues in the field of nonlinear photonics and fiber optics, providing an overview of the latest advances in their own research area
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