By: Eugene C. Nelson, Paul B. Batalden, Marjorie M. Godfrey
ISBN-13: 9780787978983ISBN-10: 0787978981Publisher: John Wiley & SonsPublished date: 2007-03-16Quality by Design offers a new and innovative approach totransforming our health care system to be safe, timely, effective,efficient, equitable, and patient-centered. The authors’microsystem concepts and proven approach achieve the best patientoutcomes by developing reliable, efficient, and responsive systemsthat have the capability of meeting the individual needs of onepatient, continually improving care for the next patient, andcreating a great place to work for all staff. Quality by Design reflects the research and applied trainingconducted at Dartmouth Medical School under the leadership ofEugene Nelson, Paul Batalden, and Marjorie Godfrey. The bookincludes the research results of high-performing clinicalmicrosystems, illustrative case studies that highlight individualclinical programs, guiding principles that are easily applied, andtools, techniques, and methods that can be adapted by clinicalpractices and interdisciplinary clinical teams. The authors describe how to develop microsystems that can attain peakperformance through active engagement of interdisciplinary teams inlearning and applying improvement science and measurement; explore the essence of leadership for clinicalMicrosystems; show what mid-level leaders can do to enable peak performanceat the front lines of care; outline the design and redesign of services and planning careto match patient needs with services offered; examine the issue of safety; describe the vital role of data in creating a rich and usefulinformation environment; provide a core curriculum that can build microsystems’capability, provide excellent care, promote a positive workenvironment, and contribute to the larger organization. Quality by Design offers powerful theoretical frameworks andprinciples, valuable tools and techniques, and an action-learningprogram.
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