By: Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Robin Stonecash, Jan Libich, Martin Byford, N. Gregory Mankiw
ISBN-13: 9780170248532ISBN-10: 0170248534Published date: 2014Show the power of economic tools, and the importance of economic ideas! The latest edition of this text continues to focus on important concepts and analyses necessary for students in an introductory economics course. In keeping with the authors’ philosophy of showing students the power of economic tools and the importance of economic ideas, this edition pays careful attention to regional and global policies and economic issues – such as climate change and resource taxation, the impacts of the ongoing global financial crisis, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy. Principles of Economics 6th edition combines microeconomics and macroeconomics into one volume for students who take a full year’s course.Each new print book includes access to online Student Resources CourseMate Express and Search Me! Economics. Aplia is also available for this book.
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