By: Tom S. Garrison
ISBN-13: 9781111990848ISBN-10: 1111990840Publisher: Cengage LearningPublished date: 2012-07-31Cengage Learning in partnership with National Geographic Society brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools along with market leading text content for introductory oceanography courses. OCEANOGRAPHY provides a basic understanding of the scientific questions, complexities, and uncertainties involved in ocean use, as well as the role and importance of the ocean in nurturing and sustaining life on the planet. Bestselling author Tom Garrison emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of marine science, stressing its links to biology, chemistry, geology, physics, meteorology, astronomy, ecology, history, and economics. Enable your students to purchase the right solution to meet their needs, whether it’s a traditional printed text, all digital learning platform, or package that includes the best of both worlds. With the recently updated Oceanography 8th Edition and CourseMate’s interactive teaching and learning tools, it’s never been easier to help students understand the complexities involved in how we study and use the ocean. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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