By: Walter Nicholson, Christopher M. Snyder
ISBN-13: 9781305505797ISBN-10: 1305505794Publisher: Cengage LearningPublished date: 2016-08-22Now readers can truly understand and apply the latest economic models while working directly with theoretical tools, real-world applications, and the popular new behavioral economics. This reader-friendly, market-leading book — MICROECONOMIC THEORY: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND EXTENSIONS, 12E — takes a calculus-based approach to provide the ideal level of mathematical rigor for the upper-level student of economics. Insightful graphic presentations help readers visually grasp the connections between the calculus and the algebraic and geometric approach to the same material. End-of-chapter problems present simple numerical/mathematical exercises, which strengthens the reader’s intuition before they tackle the book’s analytical, theoretical, behavioral, and complex problems. Unlike other more theoretical books, MICROECONOMIC THEORY, 12E closely connects all theory that is presented to real applications in the world today. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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