By: Mike Kubena, Mark Okes-Voysey, Andrej Vizjak
ISBN-13: 9783527506705ISBN-10: 3527506705Publisher: John Wiley & SonsPublished date: 2012-10-29Innovation is high on the executive agenda in virtually every industry because companies can no longer develop markets and access them without innovation. Dues to the dynamics of over a billion new customers, mostly in emerging markets, radical new technologies and science and global connectivity, our decade will be the ‘most innovative time’ since the industrial revolution. There is no time to lose as the increasing democratic standards in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the ongoing globalization have already led to a new wave of M&A activities. The main question is: What must an enterprise do to stay in the market and even become more successful? Imitation and adaptation are only a possibility in the short run for a special type of company. Finally, Central and Eastern European countries face the challenge of not only responding to developments initiated elsewhere, but also of playing a more active and creative role in initiating change. Through this book, PwC CEE will show you that innovation success is possible. Just do it!
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