By: Jos Raadschelders, Eran Vigoda-Gadot
ISBN-13: 9781119026198ISBN-10: 1119026199Publisher: John Wiley & SonsPublished date: 2015-02-16Global Dimensions of Public Administration is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that draws on knowledge sources across the social sciences. It provides a global, historical, and theoretical examination of the management and governance of the modern state with an emphasis on the structure, function, policies and reforms of over 30 countries. Readers will gain an understanding of the relationship between structure (territory, bureaucracy, political system) and function (policy and reforms) of government in its political and societal contexts. The authors’ comparative approach features rich examples of how policy is culture-dependent and how the principles of modern bureaucracy are filtered to fit a nation’s needs and expectations. Each chapter ends with comparative conclusions. Mid-career public sector professionals in executive education programs will better-understand the role and position of government in the contemporary world, not only in democratic societies, but also in less democratic environments.
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