By: Les Oakshott
ISBN-13: 9780230302662ISBN-10: 0230302661Publisher: Palgrave MacmillanPublished date: 2012-03-15Quantitative techniques are fundamental to the correct interpretation of commercial reality, and can aid practical business decision making and problem solving. The fifth edition of Essential Quantitative Methods has been updated to suit the changing needs and environment of the contemporary student. It offers revised coverage of associated software, new case studies and expanded student material, yet retains its concise accessible approach, building on its established position as a core text on quantitative methods modules. New to this edition: • New case studies have been added, and others revised and updated. • SPSS and Excel techniques have been thoroughly updated in line with new software releases. • “Did you know?” features provide additional information on related topics. • Expanded “Key Points” sections at the end of each chapter reinforce learning. • Extended “Further Reading” materials, a summarized bibliography and new advice on web searches and online source materials, offer added guidance. This text is ideal for undergraduate and MBA students studying Quantitative Methods, Statistics and Managing Data.
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