By: Martin Cohen, Wiley
ISBN-13: 9781118924723ISBN-10: 111892472XPublisher: John Wiley & SonsPublished date: 2015-05-04Use critical thinking in your assignments to achieve higher grades Have you ever received feedback suggesting you need to enhance your critical thinking skills? Then this book is for you! Developing strong critical thinking skills provides a solid foundation for academic success, and Critical Thinking Skills For Dummies was written specifically with you—a student—in mind, offering an accessible and unintimidating introduction to what can otherwise be a pretty complex topic. Inside, you′ll get hands–on, accessible and active exercises that you can put to work today to improve your grades and stand head–and–shoulders above your peers. With this fun and friendly guide, you′ll get plain–English instruction on how to identify other people′s arguments and conclusions, evaluate evidence and interpret and produce your arguments more effectively. You′ll also find expert tips and guidance on reading between the lines to identify false assumptions, drawing conclusions about whether arguments are valid or justified, applying critical thinking to assignments and so much more. Provides exercises for developing your reflective thinking skills Offers expert guidance on improving your critical analysis Explains in an easy–to–follow manner how to construct effective arguments Demonstrates how developing strong critical thinking skills is a proven path to success as a student If you′re undertaking reviews, research projects and critical analysis, Critical Thinking Skills For Dummies arms you with everything you need to apply well–seasoned critical thinking to your work in order to succeed.
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