By: Ray Aldag
ISBN-13: 9780415538411ISBN-10: 0415538416Published date: 2015What with the emphasis that potential employers place on candidates’ teamwork skills, it comes as no surprise that many graduate and undergraduate students are interested in learning more about how to manage or work in various types of groups and teams. Kuzuhara & Aldag have risen to meet this growing interest with a well-rounded textbook that provides students both a solid grounding in the key concepts of the field and the practical tools to become successful team managers and members. Creating High Performance Teams offers a multi-perspective approach to understanding how teams function and how to enhance their effectiveness, going beyond the current market-leaders to ground the key concepts in the students’ reality. The book features many examples of wide-ranging real-world teams and actual practitioner perspectives, emphasizing the types of teams that are most relevant to its student readership. It also addresses timely global issues and other environmental and organizational contexts important to getting a grasp of the principles in today’s world. Furthermore, Creating High Performance Teams uses a toolbox approach, placing a real emphasis on practical application. It features learning activities geared toward gaining experience, detailed discussion of how and when to use specific team building tools, and even coverage of useful applications like Google Docs and Doodle. With its combined emphasis on principles and application, as well as it thorough grounding in the tools, topics, and teams most relevant today, Creating High Performance Teams is certain to equip upper-level undergraduate students and MBA students with the knowledge and skills necessary to take on teams in the real world.
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