By: Steve V. Hatch
ISBN-13: 9781305497542ISBN-10: 1305497546Publisher: Cengage LearningPublished date: 2016-04-04Providing thorough coverage of both fundamental electrical concepts and current automotive electronic systems, COMPUTERIZED ENGINE CONTROLS, Tenth Edition, equips readers with the essential knowledge they need to successfully diagnose and repair modern automotive systems. Reflecting the latest technological advances from the field, the Tenth Edition offers updated and expanded coverage of diagnostic concepts, equipment, and approaches used by today’s professionals. The author also provides in-depth insights into cutting-edge topics such as hybrid and fuel cell vehicles, automotive multiplexing systems, and automotive electronic systems that interact with the engine control system. In addition, key concepts are reinforced with ASE-style end-of-chapter questions to help prepare readers for certification and career success. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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