By: Allan Blackman, Steve Bottle, Siegbert Schmid, Mauro Mocerino, Uta Wille
ISBN-13: 9781742467078ISBN-10: 1742467075Publisher: WileyPublished date: December 5th 2011The second edition of this market leading textbook, with amultimedia-integrated approach to the presentation of Chemistryfor University students! This is the second edition of this market leading text book. Thetext and digital package is engineered to cater for the contentneeds of the first year chemistry course as it is generally taughtat universities.
The success of the 1st edition has been attributed tothe student friendly and engaging writing style, the relevance toreal life, and the clear worked examples; which all help demystifychemistry for the 1st year student. In addition to this, our online teaching and learning system, WileyPLUS which is fully integrated with the text, provides lecturers and students with an equitable multimediaplatform to enhance their teaching and learning.
Following its success, the first edition was rigorouslyreviewed, and enhancements made to both the text and the digitalresources. The 2nd edition has been enriched in both the text(by addition of new Main Groups chapter and other minorimprovements).
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