By: Thomas Lee Pope
ISBN-13: 9780781741606ISBN-10: 0781741602Publisher: Lippincott RavenPublished date: 2003Revised and updated for its Second Edition, Aunt Minnie’s Atlas is an excellent study tool for the oral radiology board examination. It features over 600 images and over 250 cases representing “Aunt Minnies”—diseases with unique radiographic features that allow a confident, immediate diagnosis. Each case is presented in an easy-to-follow format and includes crucial take-away points called “Aunt Minnie’s Pearls.” The cases represent all modalities and cover the ten subspecialties tested on the oral boards—pediatrics, musculoskeletal system, interventional radiology, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, neuroradiology, cardiopulmonary imaging, mammography, gastrointestinal radiology, and genitourinary radiology. This edition includes new cases in each area.
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