By: William P. Statsky
ISBN-13: 9780766839410ISBN-10: 0766839419Publisher: Delmar PubPublished date: 2002-08Introduction to Paralegalism: Perspectives, Problems, and Skills, 6E, provides students with a comprehensive in-depth introduction to the field. As the market leader, this text boasts a wealth of information on updated legislation and the impacting use of paralegals. New to this edition is the inclusion of pertinent web site information related to chapter content, assignments that require students to do additional research on the web, updated exhibits that illustrate key concepts, and extensive information on paralegal career development and job opportunities. Also new to this edition is the coverage of changes in paralegal regulation, statistics and updates to case law. Packed with real life insights and information on trends in the profession, the text contains the following features: Chapter Outlines, Assignments, Examples, Checklists, Chapter Summaries, Key Terms, and “On the Net” – an end of chapter feature that provides students with innumerable web site addresses to conduct additional research on the internet. This text is an invaluable resource for any student seeking a practical approach to the study of the paralegal profession.
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