By: Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
ISBN-13: 9781292161686ISBN-10: 129216168XPublisher: Pearson Higher EducationPublished date: 2017-03For courses in Java Programming Layered, Back-to-Basics Approach to Java Programming Newly revised and updated, this Fourth Edition of Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach uses a layered strategy to introduce Java programming and overcome the high failure rates that are common in introductory computer science courses. The authors’ proven and class-tested “back to basics” approach introduces programming fundamentals first, with new syntax and concepts added over multiple chapters. Object-oriented programming is discussed only once students have developed a basic understanding of Java programming. Previous editions have established the text’s reputation as an excellent choice for two-course sequences in introductory computer science, and new material in the Fourth Edition incorporates concepts related to Java 8, functional programming, and image manipulation.
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