By: Amanda LeCouteur, Thomas Smyth
ISBN-13: 9781420256604ISBN-10: 1420256602Publisher: PalgravePublished date: 2012-09-17Some of the most valuable attitudes, abilities, and skills that you will acquire during your university study are those that teach you how to prepare, plan, and write essays, literature reviews, and research reports. This highly successful and comprehensive companion to the entire writing process emphasises the principles and logic underlying thinking and writing in Psychology so that these can be applied to a range of writing tasks. The Principles of Writing in Psychology provides guidance on topics ranging from critical and analytical thinking to taking notes and planning and preparing papers, as well as the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and presentation—all of which is easier to use than ever, thanks to the inclusion of notes boxes, margin cross-references, key point markers, chapter summaries, and a checklist for you to use in drafting and revising your papers. The book has also been thoroughly updated in line with the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association—the standard style guide for Psychology internationally—with additional advice specifically for Australian students. In combination with the accompanying online resource, which provides extra materials and interactive opportunities to further develop your skills in essay and report writing, the second edition of The Principles of Writing in Psychology is a complete and indispensable guide to writing your Psychology papers. It can be used at all levels of study and beyond.Key features: • This revised edition has been updated to take into account changes in the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, commonly referred to as the APA Publication Manual. This manual provides the standard style requirements for Psychology internationally, and this book is now consistent with current recommendations.• The content has been restructured and offers a natural and easy progression through the topics, with important and relevant information highlighted in the design and layout of the text—these elements are explained in the “Using this Book” section of the Introduction.• End of chapter summaries have been included in each chapter for quick reference.
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