By: Shahab Minassian MD
ISBN-13: 9780323018975ISBN-10: 0323018971Publisher: MosbyPublished date: 2007Access practical, pocket-sized reference power! This volume in the Clerkship Guide series addresses the questions students are most often confronted with during their obstetrics and gynecology clerkships. Divided into three sections, it covers basic skills, common presenting symptoms, and common conditions, providing straightforward descriptions of problems and approaches to the patient’s work-up. It’s just the tool that you need for clerkship success! Assess your knowledge and prepare for exams with a wealth of multiple-choice questions at the end of the text. Focus on core material and the most common complaints seen on rounds. Enhance your understanding with learning aids which emphasize essential information · real life clinical problems in Practice Cases · Key Points and Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter.
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