Translated into Urdu by M Shafiqur Rehman
Publication Date: 2009
Extent: 248 pages
The Book:
A few weeks after India detonated a thermonuclear device in 1998, Arundhati Roy wrote ‘The End of Imagination’. The essay attracted worldwide attention as the voice of a brilliant Indian writer speaking out with clarity and conscience against nuclear weapons. Over the next three and a half years, she wrote a series of political essays on a diverse range of momentous subjects: from the illusory benefits of big dams, to the downside of corporate globalization and the US Government’s war against terror. First published in 2001, The Algebra of Infinite Justice brings together all of Arundhati Roy’s political writings so far. This revised paperback edition includes two new essays, written in early 2002: ‘Democracy: Who’s She When She’s at Home’, that examines the horrific communal violence in Gujarat, and ‘War Talk: Summer Games with Nuclear Bombs’, about the threat of nuclear war in the Subcontinent.
The Author:
‘(Arundhati Roy’s) essays glitter with sentences that remain etched in the mind Roy’s politics remains clear-voiced and fearless, large in scope, consistent in its concern for the exploited, scathing in its criticism of the state and its institutions.’
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