By: Aubrey
ISBN-13: 9789814660648ISBN-10: 9814660647Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia)Published date: 2015-08-26The Measure of Man starts with a debate that goes back to ancient philosophy when Protagoras claimed that Man is the measure of all things. Today that debate is about the extraordinary leap in development that humanity is experiencing and what business leaders need to know and do to develop people effectively. Bob Aubrey takes us into the future where Man takes responsibility for developing the future of the species and the planet. The book is for leaders whose job is to develop people but also for all people whose work includes self-development. Bob Aubrey demonstrates why the Measure of Man is missed in today’s performance management measures and he introduces a new tool Key Development Indicators or KDIs to help leaders to link business strategy organizational effectiveness and individual development. Bob Aubrey’s personal experiences on his quest for the Measure of Man are woven into a story that spans half a century and stretches across the globe. Key Features: This book is written very differently from today’s management books. It is readable with vivid stories and amusing reflections – a page-turner. The book introduces an important new concept KDIs that the author invented and is being used in multinational companies today. The scope of the book is truly global with stories and examples from several Asian countries as well as Europe and America. The Measure of Man is also very much about women – many stories and examples of women and their unique human development strategies are spread throughout the book.
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