By: Paul M. Clikeman
ISBN-13: 9780415630252ISBN-10: 0415630258Published date: 2013Selected as an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Magazine in 2014! Called to Account takes a broad perspective on how financial frauds have shaped the public accounting profession by focusing on cases of fraud around the globe. Ever entertaining and educational, the book traces the development of the accounting standards and legislation put in place as a direct consequence of these epic scandals. The new edition offers updated chapters on ZZZZ Best and Arthur Andersen, plus new chapters devoted to Parmalat, Satyam, and The Great Recession. Through stories like Barry Minkow’s staged constructions sites and MiniScribe’s fake inventory number generating computer program, Cook Book, students will learn that fraud is nothing new, and that financial reform is heavily influenced by politics. With discussion questions and a useful chart showing instructors and students how each chapter illustrates the topics covered in other textbooks, Called to Account is the ideal companion for any class in auditing, advanced accounting or forensic accounting.
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