By: Jean Dahl
ISBN-13: 9781492046295ISBN-10: 1492046299Publisher: O’Reilly MediaPublished date: 2019-11-04From the startup to corporate giant, companies are facing massive amounts of disruption. More than ever before, organizations need nimble and responsive leaders who know how to exploit the opportunities that change brings. In this insightful book, senior executive Jean Dahl takes a hard look at how leadership needs to be redefined in this age of disruption by embracing lean principles. Drawing on nearly three decades of corporate experience, Dahl lays out a new holistic approach to developing today’s lean leaders. She shares personal experiences and compelling real-world case studies to explain the steps needed to get you and your company to embrace and respond to change proactively. Learn how to build a lean culture within your organization Discover the five dimensions of lean leadership and the skills and abilities involved Learn how to apply the seven steps necessary to become a lean leader Build a culture of continuous change within your organization by implementing the seven steps to building a lean culture
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