By: Jeremy Wolfe, Keith Kluender, Dennis M. Levi, Linda Bartoshuk, Rachel S. Herz, Roberta Klatzky, Daniel M Merfeld
ISBN-13: 9781605356419ISBN-10: 1605356417Publisher: SinauerPublished date: 2018-07-03Why does the sky look blue? Why does sugar taste sweet? Fully revised and updated, this introductory, full-colour text provides comprehensive descriptions of the science behind vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The authors, specialists in their respective domains, strive to spread their enthusiasm for fundamental questions about the human senses and the impact that answers to those questions can have on medical and societal issues. The book is appropriate for courses in Sensation and Perception taught in the Psychology Department, and for courses in Perception, Sensory Systems, and Psychology of Perception. New to This Edition: The “Scientists at Work” feature looks at an important discovery and explains the process of experimentation and hypothesis testing. “Questions to Contemplate” are a series of questions that appear at the beginning of each chapter that the student should be able to answer after reading the chapter.
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