By: Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Michelle Muratori
ISBN-13: 9781305945722ISBN-10: 1305945727Publisher: Cengage LearningPublished date: 2016-12-05Honest and inspiring, I NEVER KNEW I HAD A CHOICE: EXPLORATIONS IN PERSONAL GROWTH, 11th Edition, is an invitation to personal learning and growth — and a roadmap to lasting change. Research-based, yet written in a personal, encouraging tone, the book helps students examine the choices they’ve made, expand their awareness of the choices available to them, and choose where to go next. Emphasizing the role of personal responsibility and choice in creating a meaningful life, the text explores a wide variety of key topics, including personal style of learning, the effects of childhood and adolescence experiences on current behavior and choices, meeting the challenges of adulthood and autonomy, and many other issues related to personal growth and development. Self-inventories, exercises, activities, and first-person accounts of difficult choices real people have made give students invaluable insight into their lives, beliefs, and attitudes in a personally empowering way. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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