By: Ben Bernanke Professor
ISBN-13: 9781743079041ISBN-10: 1743079044Published date: 2014Principles of Macroeconomics provides a rigorous and theoretical treatment of concepts in an easy-to-follow and logical format. This fourth edition is fully up-to-date with all the latest relevant theories, figures and, data including a brand new chapter on macroeconomic policy (Chapter 10). The authors introduce a coherent short list of core principles and reinforce them by illustrating and applying each in numerous contexts. With engaging questions, explanations and exercises, the authors help students relate economic principles to a host of everyday experiences such as going to the ATM or purchasing airline tickets. Throughout this process, the authors encourage students to think like an economist and to and employ basic economic principles to understand and explain what they observe in the world around them. This approach engages student interest while teaching them to see each feature of their economic landscape as the reflection of an implicit or explicit cost-benefit calculation. Principles of Macroeconomics is accompanied by market leading interactive resources including graphing tutorials, logic cases, video cases, and quizzes to enable students to master concepts in an engaging way. LearnSmart adaptive technology is available for the first time with this edition! LearnSmart maximises learning productivity and efficiency by identifying the most important learning objectives for each student to master at a given point in time. It knows when students are likely to forget specific information and revisits that content to advance knowledge from their short-term to long-term memory. Data driven reports highlight the concepts individual students – or the entire class are struggling with. LearnSmart is proven to improve academic performance – including higher retention rates and better grades.
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