By: unknown author
ISBN-13: 9781760421823ISBN-10: 1760421820Published date: 2017-10-20Karlan is a new look, digital-first economics product that is student-friendly, built around the real-world and an applied focus; underpinned by the power of analytics to drive engagement and improve student outcomes at the personal, course and institutional level. What makes Karlan an essential contemporary resource for students of economics? Fresh perspective, modern economics product, with an appropriate local and international focus that will resonate with academics and students through a digital-first ebook experience Excellent digital resources (Connect and LearnSmart) to make learning more time effective, targeted and perfect for use in traditional, flipped and blended classroom environments. Designed and pitched for students (especially those doing Economics for the first time) Student-centric pedagogy to help students develop critical thinking and application skills and master the core concepts in economics Establishes great foundational maths skills to master key concepts Power-packed with digital learning opportunities in the form of a variety of assessments and interactive content (with instructors receiving additional supplemental support)
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